
Apple toxicity in pets

substance: Fibre, vitamin A and C, cyanogenic glycosides (seeds)
Apples can be a healthy treat for pets in moderation. The flesh of the apple is safe and even nutritious for both dogs and cats, providing vitamins A and C, fiber, and hydration. However, seeds contain small amounts of cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide when chewed or ingested in large quantities, so it’s best to remove the core and seeds before offering apples to your pet.

Source of fiber and vitamins A and C if served in moderation.

No symptoms should occur if not overfed and served without seeds. Overeating apples may lead to digestive upset, including diarrhea or stomach discomfort, but cyanide toxicity is unlikely.

No treatment needed.

No intervention needed.

At Vetenum, we provide reliable information on pet toxins and poisons. From household items and plants to harmful foods and chemicals, we offer expert insights on symptoms, treatment and prognosis. Our goal is to help you protect your pets from dangerous substances and ensure their well-being. Stay informed and keep your pets safe with Vetenum.

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